Saturday, September 15, 2007

Speck turns 15 months old

Oh my how time flies. We are still in awe of Speck. Watching her take in the world around her has been one of the most facinating things I have ever seen. She is such a loving child, and she's also very vocal. She's got tons of distinguishable new sounds already and she is doing very well at communicating with all of us. I am sure there are tons of kids who are very advanced, but I have only heard or read of them. I get to watch Speck learn things day in and day out.

We went to see Doc Barry today for Speck's 15 month checkup and got some good results. Speck is in the 15th percentile for her weight and the 65th percentile for her height. So far it's looking like skinny girl with a slighty above average height, but time will tell if this is true. She's hitting all her milestones, and Doc Barry is very happy with her progress.

YAY!!! Speck!!!

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